Wedding Photography: Tips to Preserve Your Day.

Wedding Photography Can Be the Perfect Way to Remember your Day.

Your wedding will likely be one of the most important days of your life, so capturing memories is vitally important. You want to find a cheap wedding photographer, but you also want someone who can deliver professional wedding photography. When searching for a photographer, you may want to ask the following questions. We got to speak to Mick from Vladimir Photography about his work and choosing the perfect photographer.

1. How can I find a great photographer when there are so many to choose from?

Start by narrowing your search down. Select a few photographers that really stand out for you and arrange to meet them personally. Make sure that you meet with the actual photographer and not a sales representative or consultant. These people will not be the one doing the actual work and may only be interested in selling their services. Get to know your photographer well so that you can develop a good working relationship.

best wedding photography

2. How many photos will I receive?

Many wedding photographers typically deliver between fifty and 100 photos for every hour spent doing wedding photography coverage. However, you may feel that you need more or less than this. If so, be sure to discuss this with them.

wedding photography

3. How can I get photos with blurry backgrounds?

To get wedding photography with shallow depth fields, request your photographer to use special professional lenses that can create this effect by focusing tightly on the subjects.

classic wedding photography

4. It appears that some of the photographers I found have different types of images, where some of them use soft, pastel images, and others use clean images. Why is there no uniformity among all of them?

Each photographer has different methods of editing their images using computer software. This is known as “post-processing” and most of them use basic lighting and color adjustments to achieve certain looks. The three most popular image styles are:

Clean: when images are lightly processed to appear more natural.

Matte: using a low-contrast look with muted pastels.

High Contrast: vibrant images with rich colors.

Discuss the various styles with your photographer to choose a look that you like best.

natural wedding photography

5. Why does wedding photography cost so much?

Most full-time wedding photographers generally have to invest several thousands of dollars in equipment. On top of that, they also normally have to pay for insurance, taxes, digital software, advertising, albums, equipment repairs, shipping costs, and studio expenses. All of these expenses are included in the cost of your wedding photos. Many photographers generally do not earn a lot when they are first starting out.

Beautiful Wedding photography

6. How can I look my best for my photos?

Just try to relax and leave some breathing room in your schedule so you don’t feel too rushed. If you are rushed, you may be anxious and flushed during the photo-shoot. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water the night before.

Wedding photography poses

7. What is “shoot and burn” photography? 

This is when a photographer does a wedding shoot and burns the images straight onto a CD without doing the post-processing. This is normally a very cheap way to do wedding photography; however, it means that the photographer cannot make any changes, such as correcting bad lighting and removing distracting elements. Digital files are good to have, but it is also useful to edit the images and have reference proofs printed as well.

black and white wedding photography

8. Should we do a “first look” shoot? 

The first look photos are taken when wedding couples see each other privately before the ceremony. It’s often a great way to get rid of the wedding jitters and spend a few minutes alone together. First look photos tend to be very poignant and emotional for couples.

9. Should I get a second photographer?

You do not necessarily need a second photographer, but they can often provide you with more images and a different perspective. Many photographers prefer to only work with their own assistants. You should ask your photographer how they prefer to work.

Melbourne Wedding Photography

To find out more about Vladimir Photography you can visit their website here.


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